Saturday, November 16, 2019

Supporting the introverts in your workplace

Kristine Latchaw provides tips in this article on how to motivate #introverted employees and bring out the best: 1️⃣ Build a diverse workplace 2️⃣ Provide clear expectations 3️⃣ Prepare for group interaction 4️⃣ Help them be their best selves

Supporting the introverts in your workplace

Management experts provide tips on how to motivate introverted employees and bring out the best in them.

Why Non-Accountants are a Growth Engine for...

Identifying specific advisory needs starts with a firm’s clients. Bringing in non-CPAs to meet client needs provides a holistic look at the client experience.

Why Non-Accountants are a Growth Engine for...

As accounting compliance work is becoming more technology-driven, there are opportunities to develop new services.

Friday, November 15, 2019

Advice for Business Clients Closing Out Tax...

Many tax professionals are already providing their small business clients with tax planning advice, in addition to tax compliance services. Here are various tax law provisions and year-end tax planning tips to pass on to your client via @mikeatintuit.

Advice for Business Clients Closing Out Tax...

Mike D’Avolio, CPA, JD, offers a comprehensive list of tax planning opportunities for your business clients.

What CFOs need to know to start AI deployment

While AI is a broad term, it all comes down to data and getting a learning engine to do a better job. As machines learn by trial-and-error and/or pattern recognition, data is the fuel for their learning process.

What CFOs need to know to start AI deployment

The learning capability can solve some problems for finance teams, but extra effort is needed to make artificial intelligence work.

Client red flags: Seeing and listening for clues

As trusted advisors to our clients, we want to be certain we are always providing the best possible service to help small businesses succeed. But what about when dark clouds roll in? What are the red flags that alert us to troublesome conditions?

Client red flags: Seeing and listening for clues

As trusted advisors to our clients, we want to be certain we are always providing the best possible service to help small businesses succeed. That’s pretty easy when things are rosy. Sailing a ship through calm seas doesn’t require as much guidance, but what about when dark clouds roll in and the waves become tsunamis? …

Thursday, November 14, 2019

QuickBooks can do WHAT? Business Performance...

QBO has added a new feature for Accountants to better advise their #smallbiz clients. They are calling the feature: Business Performance Dashboard. This feature calculates ratios, metrics, & visualizes through formulas and charts for our #smallbiz clients. #QBFirmOfTheFuture #PoweringProsperity @QuickBooks @IntuitAccts

QuickBooks can do WHAT? Business Performance...

Many accounting pros have told us that it can be challenging to communicate with clients about the overall financial status of their business. It’s incredibly time consuming to boil down hundreds of rows of data into a report that is easy to understand, and more importantly, act upon. We know this often means sifting through …

3 ways to use Google sheets integration in...

QBO Advanced has added a new integration with Google Sheets. In this article, @lynda_artesani, shares 3 ways to use this: 1️⃣ Internal: Undeposited Funds 2️⃣ External: Ask My Accountant 3️⃣ Internal & External: Budget & Forecasting Collaboration. #QBFirmOfTheFuture #PoweringProsperity @QuickBooks @IntuitAccts

3 ways to use Google sheets integration in...

Technology. Automation. As an accountant using QuickBooks® Online Advanced, I sometimes feel like a kid in a candy store. When you work in the program, there always seems to be a new feature popping up! I made my latest discovery when exporting a Profit and Loss (P&L) report from QuickBooks.Imagine my excitement at seeing Google …

Why app developers must focus on customer...

Great insights by my friend @WallCPA about what App Developers must focus on: 1️⃣ Eliminate barriers to entry (that means great phone support) 2️⃣ Focus on the relationship with the Accountant 3️⃣ Clean interface is essential 4️⃣ Adds Value/Time

Why app developers must focus on customer...

Creating apps for accountants? Andrew Wall says you must include customer support into your product roadmap. He explains why and also reveals one of his favorite app.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

What CPAs must do to capitalize on disruption

Everywhere we turn, someone seems to be saying that technology will disrupt this industry or that profession. Yet, despite its near constant use, disruption is often misapplied or used in the incorrect context. Great insights by @AmyVetterCPA.

What CPAs must do to capitalize on disruption

This article explores ways accountants should be preparing themselves and their businesses for the coming wave of technology-powered disruption.

How Accountants Can Meet Business Planning Demand

The term “strategic advising” can seem daunting, but what accountants are really doing is finding new ways to support small businesses with insights from the work they are already doing for them via @mommyceo at @liveplan

How Accountants Can Meet Business Planning Demand

There is a growing demand for business strategy guidance.

Planning for data security

Sebastian Murolo, CPA has put together a great guide on planning for #datasecurity in this article. The #IRS and the #FTC both have guidelines for data security that professionals need to follow.

Planning for data security

Today’s tax firms must be vigilant against cyberthreats.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Accounting Services Aren’t What You Think They Are

When most people hear the word “accountant” they immediately think of taxes or bookkeeping…& the nerdy introvert on their computer screen. @donnyitk shares three why's for accounting in today's market: 1️⃣ Peace of Mind 2️⃣ Vision & Clarity 3️⃣ Hope

Accounting Services Aren’t What You Think They Are

When anyone can do taxes & accounting, what's left for CPAs? By Donny C. Shimamoto

Bridging the Divide Between Gen X and Millennials

Do you ever wonder how to bridge the divide between #GenX and #Millennials? My friend @Kaydee_411 has posted the first article in her new series about discovering the way that millennials want to work and grow with your company.

Bridging the Divide Between Gen X and Millennials

In the first article of her series, Kaydee Peterson introduces you to Millennials.

The new Accountant University: Streamlined....

QuickBooks has rolled out the all-new Accountant University: 1️⃣ One place to go to for all the training you need (Virtual or Live) 2️⃣ Easy to navigate, works on any device #QBFirmOfTheFuture #PoweringProsperity @QuickBooks @IntuitAccts

The new Accountant University: Streamlined....

We asked our QuickBooks® community how we could help fuel your firm for the future—and we got a powerful answer in return: Ongoing QuickBooks training is an essential growth opportunity for your practice.Whether you’re starting out in your practice, bringing on new clients, or adding new accounting professionals, we’ve recently redesigned QuickBooks Accountant University to …